Our Canopy Sauna Barrels are the ideal addition to your backyard, combining a timeless design with a relaxing, spa-like experience for your ultimate wellness.

Canopy Barrels

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Almost Heaven Vienna 2-Person Canopy Barrel Sauna

Almost Heaven Vienna 2-Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Fir

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Almost Heaven Vienna 2-Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Fir

Aesthetically pleasing and highly efficient, the Almost Heaven Vienna Canopy Barrel Sauna is both compact and powerful. The barrel measures 6’ x 5’, fitting up to two people, with one foot of space dedicated to the front exterior canopy and benches. The exterior benches can be used to cool off after a sauna session or store essentials like towels and water.

When properly installed, the heater should reach temperatures of 80 – 85°C (175 – 185°F) in 45 – 60 minutes. You can also delay the start time by up to eight hours using the heater’s timer. Get ready for a relaxing sauna session!

Have more questions? Feel free to contact us and our experts will be glad to help you!

WARNING! Sauna barrels with a 6′ diameter do not pass inspection. If your sauna is required to pass inspection, please opt for a 7′ diameter model.

Need help finding the right heater for your sauna? Use our sauna calculator here.

Original price was: $6,119.95.Current price is: $4,283.97.
Almost Heaven Vienna 2-Person Canopy Barrel Sauna

Almost Heaven Vienna 2-Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Red Cedar

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Almost Heaven Vienna 2-Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Red Cedar

Aesthetically pleasing and incredibly efficient, the Almost Heaven Vienna Canopy Barrel Sauna is both compact and powerful. The barrel measures 6’ x 5’ and fits up to two people. One foot of space is dedicated to the front exterior canopy and benches.

  • The exterior benches, framing the door, are perfect for cooling off after a sauna or storing essentials like towels and water.

When properly installed, the heater should consistently reach 80 – 85°C (175 – 185°F) in 45 – 60 minutes. You can also delay the start time by up to eight hours using the heater’s timer. Get ready for a relaxing sauna session!

Have more questions? Feel free to contact us and our experts will be glad to help you!

WARNING! Sauna barrels with a 6′ diameter do not pass inspection. If your sauna is required to pass inspection, please opt for a 7′ diameter model.

Need help finding the right heater for your sauna? Use our sauna calculator here.

Original price was: $6,825.95.Current price is: $4,778.17.
Almost Heaven Audra 2-4 Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Red Cedar

Almost Heaven Audra 2-4 Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Fir

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Almost Heaven Audra 2-4 Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Fir

Check your worries at the door on the exterior benches before entering the Almost Heaven Audra Canopy Barrel Sauna for a refreshing sauna session. Measuring 6’ x 6’, this canopy style barrel can fit up to four people at once.

  • When the high temperatures become too hot, cool off on the exterior benches before hopping back in.

Properly installed, the heater you select for your sauna should consistently achieve temperatures of 80 – 85°C (175 – 185°F) in 45 – 60 minutes. Delay the sauna start time up to eight hours using the timer on the heater. Enjoy a traditional sauna experience with up to four people in your Almost Heaven Audra Canopy Barrel Sauna!

Have more questions? Feel free to contact us and our experts will be glad to help you!

WARNING! Sauna barrels with a 6′ diameter do not pass inspection. If your sauna is required to pass inspection, please opt for a 7′ diameter model.

Need help finding the right heater for your sauna? Use our sauna calculator here.

Original price was: $6,066.95.Current price is: $4,246.87.
Almost Heaven Audra 2-4 Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Red Cedar

Almost Heaven Audra 2-4 Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Red Cedar

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Almost Heaven Audra 2-4 Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Red Cedar

Check your worries at the door on the exterior benches before entering the Almost Heaven Audra Canopy Barrel Sauna for a refreshing sauna session. Measuring 6’ x 6’, this canopy style barrel can fit up to four people at once. When the high temperatures become too hot, cool off on the exterior benches before hopping back in.

Properly installed, the heater you select for your sauna should consistently achieve temperatures of 80 – 85°C (175 – 185°F) in 45 – 60 minutes. Delay the sauna start time up to eight hours using the timer on the heater. Enjoy a traditional sauna experience with up to four people in your Almost Heaven Audra Canopy Barrel Sauna!

Have more questions? Feel free to contact us and our experts will be glad to help you!

WARNING! Sauna barrels with a 6′ diameter do not pass inspection. If your sauna is required to pass inspection, please opt for a 7′ diameter model.

Need help finding the right heater for your sauna? Use our sauna calculator here.

Original price was: $7,299.95.Current price is: $5,109.97.
Almost Heaven Grandview 4-6 Person Canopy Barrel Sauna

Almost Heaven Grandview 4-6 Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Red Cedar

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Almost Heaven Grandview 4-6 Person Canopy Barrel Sauna Rustic Red Cedar

The Almost Heaven Grandview Canopy Barrel Sauna is perfect for hosting sauna parties. Measuring 7’ x 8’, this sauna is a full foot wider than the standard barrel sauna and can fit up to six people. It also includes one foot of space for exterior benches. These benches can hold people, water, towels, and even logs if you choose to upgrade to a wood-burning heater!

You need a minimum of an 8kW electric sauna heater. This heater should consistently reach temperatures of 80 – 85°C (175 – 185°F) in 45 – 60 minutes. You can start heating the sauna right away or delay the start time by up to eight hours. Enjoy all the extra space to stretch out solo, or invite friends and family to join. The choice is yours!

Have more questions? Feel free to contact us and our experts will be glad to help you!

Note: Because of the Grandview’s size, you will need specialized shipping. Please anticipate this shipping anywhere up to 4 months from the date of order.

Need help finding the right heater for your sauna? Use our sauna calculator here.

Original price was: $9,712.95.Current price is: $6,799.07.

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